So this will be a long one, but it's a good look into what my Denver experience will look like...
Graffiti wall outside of JAMLAC --->
As a part the Gap Year program we are all required to take part in various internships through out the city of Denver. Mile-High Ministries (www.milehighmin.org) has set us up with endless connections into the many fields of inner-city ministry through out the area from which we are able to pick our internships. After careful consideration I chose to give myself a very pleasantly uncomfortable position at a law firm known as JAMLAC (Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Clinic). JAMLAC works for those under the poverty line who would otherwise have no where to go with their legal issues. Now I know what ya'll are thinking: "Phil Gibson... ? Law Firm? That doesn't even make sense!" And trust me - I am very well of that fact. I spend the majority of my intern hours at a desk filing cases and attending meetings. All of my past ministry experience has involved playing music, throwing kids around in the air - basically acting like a big 5 year old (don't worry, it's a part of me that is still very well in tact), but everything I've done has been relationally based so this whole Law thing is about as far outside of my comfort as I could get.
When choosing to take part in this Gap Year program one of my strongest train of thoughts was that I'm only 19 years old - what's the hurry? I need to experience as much of the world as I can before I take the educational step that could shape the course of my career. With this thought of new experiences I figured it would be a good idea to plunge into realm of long desk hours and dauntingly long computer tasks.
I'm not allowed to reveal too much information about the specifics of cases that I have worked with, but I'll try to give you as much insight as I can into what JAMLAC is about - We mostly work immigration and domestic violence cases for people below the poverty line. The immigration cases mostly involve working to give abused woman access for a U-Visa. The purpose of U-Visas is to give victims of certain crimes (mostly domestic violence) a temporary legal status and allow them to work in the U.S. for up to 4 years. This also allows them better access to getting citizenship. The stories I have heard have haunted my perception of the capabilities of human beings. Before coming here, experience has taught me to have more faith in the good of humanity rather than the evil, but the cases I have worked with have given me a heavy reminder of the terror that some are willing to unleash upon the innocent. But JAMLAC is in the business of providing hope for the downtrodden. I have seen how much so many of the poor and the broken need legal representation and not just a hug following an openly sincere "How are you?" Feeling the love is important, but being picked up so that they can run their own race is truly what they need.
Overall - it's one of the best learning experiences of my life.